1:23 p. m.

Jasp 2.0

Publicado por Aleix |

Els 90, a més de produir alguna de la musica més infecte que es recorda, van servir per acollir el naixement i defunció del conpepte Jasp, en aquells anuncis tan profundament odiosos del renault clio.

Semblava que el tema estava superat, amb lo que molen aquestes noves generacions de jipis-vàndals, que viatgen arreu del món, bat de beisbol en mà! Pues mira, resulta que han tornat:

Blackspot is trying to make a statement by selling anti-Nike shoes. Except it can't handle the selling part.Outlaw consulting, a San Francisco trend-spotting agency, recently named Blackspot sneakers one of the 12 hottest urban brands, placing it in the heady company of Apple'siPod and Von Zipper sunglasses.The $95 bootlike sneakers make perfect footwear for a black-clad, window-breaking anarchist. The soles come from recycled car tires; the rest of the shoe is hemp and fake leather. The nonlogo logo is a plain white spot, a statement against corporate branding. Each shoe has a special red tip—perfect, says Blackspot Chief Kalle Lasn, for “kicking corporate ass.” Or more specifically, for “kicking Phil Knight’s ass,” a reference to the Nike founder

Agenda Inc. Live Feed - Self-loathing sneakers

Felicitats, emprenedors! Com deia en Jordi, la feina bén feta no te fronteres
